
Int'l Student

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Program offered in School of Mechanical Engineering


To obtain a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree from SJTU School of Mechanical Engineering, students must fulfill the following requirements.

1.Complete specific .

2.Requirement for Paper Publication.

3.Prepare, propose, get evaluated by intermediate evaluation, pre-defend and defend a .

4.The length of Ph.D program varies from 3 to 4 years flexibly. If the doctoral student doesn’t complete his/her thesis or meet the requirement of paper publication within 4 years, he/she could apply for Ph.D Extension. The maximum length of Ph.D program is 6 years.



To complete their coursework requirement, Doctoral students must take a number of courses.

1)Credits requirement.
①At least 16 credits’ courses must be completed.
②Compulsory courses are: Chinese Language (2 credits),Chinese Culture (2 credits), English for Academic Purposes (2 credits), Academic Writing(1 credit).

2)Students who failed in exam are not eligible for thesis defense. Students who retake the corresponding course and get exam passed will be eligible for thesis defense.

2. Paper Publication

1)  It is required that the candidates should have at least 3 papers been published or accepted by core journals (SCI or EI), among them at least 2 papers published or accepted by such journals, and 1 of them published or accepted by international academic conference. Besides, at least one of these papers should be written in English and published or accepted by SCI journals or international academic conference. 


2)  Only when the affiliation and address of the first author is recognized as from SJTU, papers published or accepted could be counted as valid one for his publication. 发表学术论文的第一作者单位必须是上海交大。

3)  When the candidate is recognized as the first author, his or her paper number could be counted as 1. If the candidate is recognized as the second author, his or her paper number could be counted as 0.5, but the first author must be recognized as his or her supervisor. When candidate is recognized as the third author or other following co-author, his or her paper published or accepted won’t be counted as a valid number. 论文篇数的计算办法:以第一作者发表的论文计算为1篇,以第二作者发表的计算为0.5篇(第一作者必须是导师),第三作者及以后不予计算。


3. Doctoral Thesis

Candidates who have completed all the requirements of Coursework and passed the Comprehensive Test are eligible for doctoral thesis defense. A successful defense of a Doctoral Thesis involves the following steps, which are shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 1.  Overview of Ph.D   Program




1st   month of Semester 1

Make   your study plan online according to the Degree   Requirements , select courses online and take courses

1.Course Selection Deadline: the end of 1st   month.

2.All the online process should be operated   in the Graduate Information Management System with your SJTU Jaccount ( )

The end   of the 1st month of Semester 1

Submit   your study plan to the Graduate Affairs Office(GAO, Room 104,   Mechanical Building A)

Signature of your supervisor is required   before submission the hard copy to GAO.

Semester   2

Select   courses online, complete all the coursework in your study plan and prepare   for the thesis proposal

In principle study plan shall not be   changed. If changes needed, the request can only be accepted within the first   beginning two weeks while the certain courses you’d like to change haven’t   got started.

The end   of 1st month I of Semester 3

Take the Comprehensive Test

Comprehensive Test will be conducted in   oral. Questions proposed are mainly related to coursework in your study plan,   knowledge of your research frontier and your technical skills, etc.

Semester   3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8

Prepare, propose, get evaluated by   intermediate evaluation, pre-defend and defend a Doctoral thesis according to the Degree Requirements

In principle Ph.D Program shall be finished   within 3-4 years. If extension needed, please go to GAO for details.

Figure 2. Doctoral Thesis   Timeline

To-do List



Step 1. Work with your supervisor on the thesis   proposal and upload Thesis Proposal   Form online


End of semester 3

Thesis proposal provides the following information: (1) the   proposed content of the research work, (2) a comprehensive literature review   of the state-of-the-art in the field, (3) a description of the research tasks   that have been completed, (4) a discussion of preliminary results, (5) the   original contribution of the proposed research, and (6) the tasks that will   be completed before the thesis defense.

Step 2. Intermediate evaluation

Determined by   supervisor

After Intermediate evaluation, the intermediate   evaluation form/report needed to be uploaded online.

Step 3. Pre-defense

3 months before the   end of semester 8

Pre-defense can be   seemed as a rehearsal to help candidates better prepare for the final   defense. Draft thesis for pre-defense needed to be uploaded online.

Step 4.   Upload   draft thesis for final thesis defense online for repetition check

2 months before the   end of semester 8

Candidates with   repetition-check rate over 10% will not be eligible to apply for PhD degree. The draft thesis   uploaded for final thesis defense is the one to be evaluated in   blind-evaluation process.

Step 5.Blind-evaluation

2 months before the   end of semester 8

Candidates’ draft   thesis will be selected randomly for blind evaluation. Anticipate over a   month for blind-evaluation results. Candidates who are disqualified in   blind-evaluation will not be eligible to apply for thesis defense.  

Step 6.   Evaluation

1 month before the   end of semester 8

Candidates’ draft thesis will be evaluated by an expert. Candidates who are disqualified in evaluation will not   be eligible to apply for thesis defense.

Step 7.   Apply for   thesis defense online

two weeks before   final thesis defense

Step 6. The final thesis defense  

Determined by Doctoral Thesis Committee (DTC).  

Final thesis   defense is conducted in public and lasts for one hour, including 20-30   minutes presentation of thesis content and 30 minutes answering questions given   by DTC.

Step 7.Submit final thesis   online

Within a month   after final thesis defense

Candidates revise   draft thesis according to GTC’s comments. Final thesis and other related   documents should be uploaded online and then submitted to Academic Degree Committee (ADC)   for final evaluation.

Step 8.   Being   awarded Ph.D degree

Determined by ADC

Hard copy of Ph.D   degree will be awarded to successful candidates.


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