


The First International Conference on Design Science successfully held by School of Mechanical Engineering
Posted by:     Time:2023-08-28

From July 24th to 25th, the inaugural International Conference on Design Science (ICDS 2023) successfully took place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC) in Shanghai. This event was sponsored and organized by School of Mechanical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, technically sponsored by IEEE Shanghai Section, and co-organized by Center of Innovation Design for Interdisciplinary Studies of SJTU-GEC Academy, the Shanghai Society for Modern Design Theory and Methodology Research, and Xie Youbai Design Science Research Foundation.


The conference embraced a hybrid format, combining both in-person and online participation to ensure maximum accessibility and reach. The in-person session brought together around 180 scholars, experts, and students from diverse countries, while the online component engaged 700 participants. The conference witnessed vibrant discussions and knowledge exchange. Professor Zhang Zhinan from School of Mechanical Engineering, the Chair of the Organizing Committee, presided over the event.




The opening ceremony commenced with a warm welcome address by Professor Xi Lifeng, Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He extended his heartfelt greetings to all attendees, expressing hope that the event would serve as a bridge for academic exchange.



The conference featured keynote speeches, invited talks, and oral presentations, delivering a diverse array of research sharing. Distinguished speakers include Prof. Chas Bountra of Oxford University, Prof. George Malliaras of the University of Cambridge, Prof. Yong Zeng of Concordia University, Prof. Martin Bachmann of Oxford University, Prof. Slav W. Hermanowicz of UC Berkeley, Prof. Cedo Maksimovic of Imperial College London, Dr. Jianxi Luo of Singapore University of Technology and Design, Dr. Nader Sadegh of Georgia Tech, Prof. Aibin Zhu of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Mr. Jing Shen of Huahan (Shanghai) Data Technology Co., Ltd., Dr. Diankai Qiu of SJTU, and Dr. Zaifang Zhang of Shanghai University. They delivered captivating presentations on the forefront design science and its applications in fields such as product design, intelligent manufacturing, life and health, and sustainable development. Scholars and students attentively listened to presentations and enthusiastically engaged in discussions.



ICDS 2023 united numerous exceptional scholars, professionals, and students from home and abroad. This magnificent event shared the latest research accomplishments within the realm of design science. ICDS aimed to foster the exchange of design-centric thoughts, facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration, and offer valuable guidance for researchers and professionals. This grand event anticipates the dynamic progression of design science, thereby making a valuable contribution to societal advancement.

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