


Prof. Yuyang Li was elected as a Fellow of the Combustion Institute in Year 2023
Posted by:     Time:2023-03-13

Recently, Prof. Yuyang Li from Shanghai Jiao Tong University was elected as a Fellow of the Combustion Institute in Year 2023, in recognition of his significant contributions to advanced analysis and modeling of fundamental chemical processes with practical importance for future combustion energy systems.


Prof. Yuyang Li is a professor and a vice dean in the School of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests include combustion kinetics and dynamics, carbon-neutral energy and power research, low-carbon gas turbine combustion, novel combustion technologies, etc. He has published more than 170 journal papers on Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Accounts of Chemical Research, Combustion and Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, etc., with a citation number of more than 4200 times and an H-index of 37 recorded by Web of Science. He has been awarded the State Natural Science Award (2nd Grade), the 16th China Youth Science and Technology Award, the 14th Wuzhonghua Outstanding Young Scholar Award of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, the Research Excellence Award and the Bernard Lewis Fellowship of the Combustion Institute, the 2022 Energy and Fuels Rising Stars by Energy & Fuels, etc. He has served as a Colloquium Co-Chair of the International Symposium on Combustion, a Scientific Committee Member of the Symposium on Ammonia Energy, a Board Member of the Combustion Section of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, a Program Co-Chair of the China National Symposium on Combustion, a Section Editor-in-Chief of the SCI journal Applied Sciences, etc.


Founded in 1954, the Combustion Institute is a world-acclaimed scientific society in the areas of combustion science and technology. So far, a total of 260 scientists in the world have received this great honor. A total of 15 scholars around the world were elected in this year.

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