


The 24th Cross Straits Symposium on Energy Session was successfully held by School of Mechanical Engineering
Posted by:     Time:2022-12-09

The 24th Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology was successfully held on December 1-2. The conference was organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and co-organized by Kyushu University, Pusan National University, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. More than hundreds of experts, scholars and graduate students from the four universities in the fields of energy, low-carbon, environmental science and technology attended the event. School of Mechanical Engineering hosted the Energy Session.


Professor CHENG Jinhua, Vice Dean of the Graduate School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University delivered the welcome speech. Professor JIANG Zhi, the Program Director of the CAMPUS Asia at School of Mechanical Engineering was invited to be present. Professor ZHOU Baowen gave a keynote speech on the topic of “Toward Carbon Neutrality by III-Nitrides/Si-based Artificial Photosynthesis Integrated Device and System”.


On the Energy Session, the participants delivered academic reports on new discoveries in frontier fields such as new energy development and utilization, special materials and engineering thermal physics. 21 students from 4 universities actively shared their academic opinions. It attracted more than 300 people watched online.


CAMPUS Asia Plus EEST is jointly carried out by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Kyushu University, Pusan National University and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. It was selected as a pilot program of the Ministry of Education in 2012, developing and training high quality talents with global competence in environmental and energy science and technology (EEST). The program focuses on the Double Master Degree program within four universities, including a series of high-level academic events as Spring Seminar, Summer School and Cross Strait Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology. The CSS-EEST Symposium is hosted by the four universities in turn once a year in Spring and Autumn Semester. Scholars, experts and graduate students in the fields of energy, environmental science and technology will be invited to attend the event.



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