


Prof. Wenming Zhang and collaborators published the latest research on piezoelectric dynamics of arterial pulse at AM
Posted by:     Time:2022-06-17

Recently, Prof. Wenming Zhang from the School of Mechanical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University collaborated with Prof. Bin Yang at School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering to elucidating a fundamentally understanding of piezoelectric dynamic response in arterial pulse for wearable continuous blood pressure monitoring. A paper describing the work, titled “Piezoelectric Dynamics of Arterial Pulse for Wearable Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring” has been published in Advanced Materials (AM). The first author of this paper is Zhiran Yi. Professors Wenming Zhang and Bin Yang are the corresponding authors.


Piezoelectric dynamics of arterial pulse


In this work, the researchers first elucidate the correlation between piezoelectric pulse waves and blood pressure waves via theoretical, simulation, and experimental analysis of these dynamics. Based on this correlation, they investigated the feasibility of achieving wearable continuous blood pressure monitoring without motion artifacts, using a single piezoelectric sensor. These findings eliminate the controversy over the arterial pulse wave piezoelectric response, and could potentially be used to develop a portable wearable continuous blood pressure monitoring device for the early prevention and daily control of hypertension.


This work was founded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (12032015, 12072189, and 12102250), the project of Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan of Shanghai (Grant No. 21190760100), and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Nos. 2020TQ0190 and 2020M681290).


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