


Student from Department of Industrial Engineering and Management won the Excellent Paper Award of CSIE2022 & CIEDH2022
Posted by:     Time:2022-04-27

Recently, the 2022 International Conference for Chinese Scholars in Industrial Engineering and The 12th Forum for the Council of Chinese Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management Department Heads (CSIE2022& CIEDH2022) held online. Wu Lebao from Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at School of Mechanical Engineering, SJTU made an academic report entitled “A stack-based retrieval method for the steel plate yard retrieval problem in shipbuilding”under the guidance of Professor Jiang Zuhua, and won the Excellent Paper Award.


The report focused on reducing the relocation number in the steel plate yard outbound operation in shipbuilding. The author established the corresponding mathematical model and proposed a heuristic retrieval method based on the property of different stack types. They theoretically analyzed the relocation number of the method and the numerical results shown that the method is capable to optimally solve almost all instances in real-size.


The CSIE2022& CIEDH2022 held online on April 16-17. The conference had 7 conference reports, 5 invited teaching sessions, 5 invited academic sessions and 6 thesis sessions. Among the submitted 65 papers, one paper won the Best Paper Award and four won the Excellent Paper Award.

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