


Shanghai University League's Forum for International Young Scholars- SJTU Mechanical Engineering Division Successfully Held
Posted by:     Time:2020-06-08

The first Shanghai University League's Forum for International Young Scholars- SJTU Mechanical Engineering Division was held on May 30-31. It was hosted by the Shanghai Educational Human Resource Exchange & Service Center and organized by the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Young scholars from 40 world-class universities, including MIT, Harvard University, University of Toronto, Swiss federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, The University of Tokyo and other meet online and exchange ideas. 


All the 33 young scholars, divided into 4 groups according to their background,  made online presentations to share their research achievements.  Their reports show a very active academic thinking and research potential, break through the traditional understanding in the field of Mechanical and Power Engineering, and present achievements on their latest research, which have been published on such as “Science”, ”Nature”, etc. More than 50 professors from School of Mechanical Engineering attended the forum and had discussion with presenters.

Now in China, the virus is controlled and life is gradually returning to normal, academic exchange and cooperation between universities is rapidly restarting. This online forum aims to provide a social platform for young scholars over the world to exchange ideas and create an international academic brand. The forum also serves as an information hub, to provide a full understanding of SJTU research, teaching and development strategies. About 200 audiences were attracted to attend the online forum.

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