


Successful Hosting of 2020 SJTU-IHI Scholarship Award Ceremony
Posted by:     Time:2020-06-23

On June 22nd, 2020 SJTU-IHI Scholarship Award Ceremony was hosted by School of Mechanical Engineering (ME). IHI Shanghai Management Co. Ltd (ICL) Chairman of Board Suganuma Yoshirou, ICL Human Resource & General Affairs general manager Yoshida Jun, ICL Strategic planning department general manager Toda Koji, and Vice Chairperson of the ME School Council Zhang Wenming attended the event.

In his welcome speech, Prof. Zhang Wenming expressed that IHI and ME school had a collaboration history of more than ten years, and IHI was an important international research partner. He expected more collaboration in future which could advance the development for both sides.

Adjei Richard Amankwa and other six graduate students were awarded the IHI scholarship. They expressed their gratitude to IHI, and shared their research works, achieved results and experiences from project collaboration.

ICL Chairman Suganuma Yoshirou acknowledged the recent achievements in personnel training by SJTU and ME school, and expressed gratitude to those who continued the research work during the current COVID-19 situation. He expected more collaboration in future between both sides to make contributions to environmental protection of China and the world.

IHI Corporation is a large-scale heavy-industry manufacturer starting from Japan’s first modern shipbuilding facility in 1853. IHI has become a comprehensive enterprise with business in many fields. Since the establishment of IHI scholarship in 2016, it has awarded 36 graduate students, encouraging them to achieve greater academic achievements.

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