


Global Students Engineering Cooperation Project of 2010 SJTU-PSU-TYCO Successfully Accomplishedss
Posted by:     Time:2010-05-08

On April 29th 2010, Students Engineering Project Exposition was held in Penn State University, two projects of which are coordinately accomplished by four students from Mechanical Engineering School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University within four months and five students from Penn State University, respectively in both China and American. This project, fully supported by TYCO International and actively mentored by professors from both universities, got a consistent high praises from students, faculty, universities as well as companies,

It finds a good mode for training engineering students with international cooperation vision and experience as well as strengthening the contact between schools and companies. The project not only meets the teaching goals, but also gains the multifaceted benefits.

On students’ side, it provides a meaningful international engineering activity by which each student increases their awareness to the following aspects:
 1. Understanding the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environment and societal context.
 2. Understand cultural/ethnic differences and the ability to work sensitively with them.
 3. Learn to function effectively in multi-national global team.
 4. Learn to use English as the common communication language within a multilingual team.
 5. Develop the ability to plan/organize and deliver communication effectively around the globe, leveraging on information and communication technologies.

On industry sponsor’s side, it provides benefits as follows: 
1. Low-risk, low-cost investment with high potential ROI (return on investment). 
2. Work on "back burner" projects and help refine ideas.
 3. Help start-up and small companies with prototyping and development work (while fleshing out a business plan through collaboration with a team of business students). 
4. Direct access to some of the best SJTU and Penn State students (15-week interview). 
5. Newly hired employees (i.e., SJTU and Penn State students) are better trained as a result. 
6. Company liaison overseeing the project gains invaluable project management experience. 
7. Increase brand awareness among SJTU and Penn State students and faculty. 
8. Entry point (and guide) into the SJTU and Penn State network. 
9. Network with other companies through events and cross-promotions. 
10. Opportunity to give back to the Universities and influence the education and careers of many students. 
Besides this project, mechanical Engineering School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University will further actively promote cooperation with other companies and oversea universities and create the first-class studying and working environment for training students with international engineering vision and experience.

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