


ME and US Sign Agreement for "2+2" Engineering Program
Posted by:     Time:2008-08-15

In order to promote the collaboration between the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and the School of Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, University of Sydney, Professor Hancock (Dean Faculty of Engineering), Professor Gong(Associate Dean Faculty of Engineering) and Professor Feng (Academician of Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering) etc. visited the School of Mechanical Engineering in the morning of March 31st. 

Professor Meng(Dean School of Engineering) and Professor Xi (Associate Dean School of Engineering) gave a warm reception to the guests. They also accompanied the guests to visit the State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration and the Institution of Biomedical Manufacturing and Life Quality Engineering.

Furthermore, an agreement of the "2+2" engineering program has been inked after negotiation, In the program, around 20 suitably qualified undergraduates from SJTU will continue their studies at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies of the University of Sydney each year. Students can obtain the corresponding degree after they have reached the required standard. After the graduation, both universities will confer the corresponding diploma and Bachelor degree certificates. "SJTU/University of Sydney collaborative scholarship" will be offered to the suitably qualified students. Moreover, SJTU and the University of Sydney will offer academic staff exchanges and visiting scholar arrangementsto enhance the educational processes.

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