


Lecture of Prof. C. Mario Guagliano
Posted by:     Time:2018-06-13

Title:Utilizing kinetic energy for additive manufacturing:  first experimental fatigue results and comparison with SLM
Speaker:Mario Guagliano, PhD, Professor of Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Time:10:00 to 11:00, Jun 13, 2018
Place:B300, School of Mechanical Engineering
Host:Hu Yongxiang, Associate Professor(Institute of Manufacturing Technology and Equipment Automation)


Cold spray is a technology based on kinetic energy hater than thermal energy. It consists in shooting powders against a target at a velocity over a threshold value to get adhesion of the particles on the target material. Nowadays it is mainly used for coatings and repairs but it could be used also for manufacturing 3D free standing part, for additive manufacturing. However it is important to investigate the properties of parts obtained with cold spray before any ass In the presentation, after having introduced the basis of cold spray, the first results of mechanical tests carried out on Inconel samples obtained with cold spray are shown, discussed and compared with analogous samples obtained using SLM.

Mario Guagliano is Full Professor in Machine Design. MSc in Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (1988), Assistant Professor (1991-2001) and Associate Professor (2001-2016) at the Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano. He has been awarded Doctor Honoris Causa by the Univeristy of Zilina,SK, (2017). His main scientific interests are innovative methods for mechanical design and kinetic treatments and coating techniques for surface functionalization and for superior properties as well as to obtain nanostrucutred surfaces. He is author of more than 100 papers. Responsible of several contractual researches with private and public enterprises and of research projects funded by regional and national public organizations, coordinator of researches programs of national interest (PRIN) and of projects funded by the European Commission (FP7). He is member of the Board of Directors of the EASN (European Aeronautic Science Network), member of the International Scientific Committee on Shot Peening and of the Danubia Adria Symposium. Member of the Editorial Board of the journals Surface and Coatings Technology.

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