


Ronald K. Hanson's speech
Posted by:     Time:2010-11-26

SPEAKER: Professor Ronald K. Hanson             
TOPIC: Laser diagnostics and sensors, shock wave physics and chemistry
TIME: 9:00-11:30am, Dec  2, 2010
VENUE: F310, Mechanical Building A

Professor Ronald K. Hanson, Ph.D.
Clarence J. and Patricia R. Woodard Professor of Mechanical Engineering 
Professor, by courtesy, of Aeronautics and Astronautics
B.S. Mechanical Engineering - Oregon State University, 1961 
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - Arizona State University, 1965 
Ph.D. Aeronautics and Astronautics - Stanford University, 1968 
Laser diagnostics and sensors, shock wave physics and chemistry, laser spectroscopy, chemical kinetics, combustion science, and advanced propulsion
   2010 - Hottel Lecturer, 33rd International Combustion Symposium 
   2008 - Egerton Gold Medal, The Combustion Institute 
   2005 - Propellants and Combustion Award, AIAA 
   2004 - Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 
   2002 - Elected to National Academy of Engineering (NAE) 
   2002 - Silver Medal, Combustion Institute 
   2000 - Best Paper of 2000, Journal of Measurement Science and Technology 
   1997 - Best Paper Award, Ground Test Conference, AIAA 
   1997 - Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 
   1996 - Aerodynamic Measurement Technology award from the AIAA (first recipient) 
   1990 - Fellow, Optical Society of America (OSA)

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