


Design and Manufacturing in the Information Era: An Overvie
Posted by:     Time:2009-09-25

Speaker:  Deyi XUE
Time:     10:00-11:00 am Oct. 12, 2009
Location: Mechanical BuildingA F210

With the advances of information technologies, many design and manufacturing activities have been automated by computer systems to improve the quality of products and to reduce the cost and lead time of the product development. This presentation will provide an overview of the speaker’s research activities at University of Calgary, Canada in the areas of design and manufacturing using information technologies. The objective of this presentation aims at providing background and expertise of the speaker, so further research collaboration can be initiated. The relevant research topics will be in the areas of  
· Integrated Product Life-cycle Modeling and Optimal Concurrent Design 
· Design and Manufacturing for Mass Customization
· Design Theory and Methodology 
· Production Planning, Scheduling, and Control 
· Engineering Optimization 
· Design and Manufacturing of Fuel Cell Systems
· Design and Manufacturing of Bio-medical Devices
A number of research projects and industrial applications will be selected to demonstrate the effectiveness of the research results for solving engineering problems in the relevant areas.
About the Speaker

Deyi Xue is currently a Full Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada. Deyi Xue received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees from Department of Precision Machinery Engineering, University of Tokyo in 1992 and 1989 respectively, and his B.Sc. degree from Department of Precision Instrumentation Engineering, Tianjin University in 1985. He worked as an Assistant Professor at University of Calgary in 1995-2000, and an Associate Professor in 2000-2007. He is also a Professional Engineer of Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA). Deyi Xue’s research is primarily in the areas of computer based design and manufacturing. His research has been supported by many granting agencies including Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada through its Discovery Grant program and Strategic Project program, other federal and provincial government agencies, and industries. He has published around 140 research papers, including over 40 papers in refereed journals. His SCI journal papers have been cited by other SCI papers over 300 times.  He is an editorial board member of two international journals: Advanced Engineering Informatics and Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (CJME) – English Edition. He serves as a reviewer for over 20 international journals. He also worked as chair and member of program/organizing committees for over 30 international conferences.   

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